"The Moving Walls" will be on display at Gator Harley Davidson to honor and respect those that have served in Vietnam and the Global War on Terrorism. You don't have to be a biker. You don't have to be a veteran. You just have to have respect.
ALL ARE WELCOME to experience the walls.
Both walls will be available to the public:
"The Moving Wall" is the half-size replica of the Washington, DC Vietnam Veterans Memorial and has been touring the country for thirty plus years. When John Devitt attended the 1982 dedication in Washington, he felt the positive power of "The Wall." He vowed to share that experience with those who did not have the opportunity to go to Washington.
John, Norris Shears, Gerry Haver, and other Vietnam veteran volunteers built The Moving Wall. It went on display for the first time in Tyler, Texas in October of 1984. Two structures of The Moving Wall now travel the USA from April through November, spending about a week at each site.
The Wall on Terrorism will also be displayed.
Both walls will be available to the public once the 2024 dates are announced.

The memorial includes eight granite panels etched with the names of nearly 7,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines who have died in service since 9/11. A 13-foot steel beam taken from the wreckage of the World Trade Center and donated to the museum by New York City firefighters sits atop concrete columns representing the Twin Towers. The memorial also will feature nine bronze figures representing an Infantry squad, illustrations of each service’s role in protecting our nation, and narrative panels chronicling the nation’s longest war.
Who is honored on the memorial?
The joint-service memorial stands in honor of all Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines who have served in the Global War on Terrorism since 9/11 and the families who support them. This includes active duty, veterans and those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice defending their country.
What are the criteria for names on the memorial?
The 6,943 names etched on the memorial’s black granite panels come from the Defense Casualty Analysis System, an application maintained by the U.S. government’s Defense Manpower Data Center.
The DCAS list includes all service members who died while in the Global War on Terrorism theater of operations, regardless of their cause of death. Service members who later die of wounds inflicted while in the theater are added to the list. If you believe a name has been erroneously omitted or misspelled, please contact DMDC/DEERS Support Office at 800-538-9552.
The list is up to date as of August 24, 2021. Names added to the official list will be added to the memorial once each year.